Cancel Plus Subscription

You can cancel your trial or subscription from the App Store or Google Play. 

To cancel on an Apple (iOS) device👇

  1. Open the App Store app.
  2. In the top-right corner, tap your avatar.
  3. Tap Subscriptions
  4. In your list of active subscriptions, select Marco Polo and then select Cancel Subscription.

    Note: If you don’t see the option to cancel, auto-renew has likely been turned off for your subscription already.

👉 To request a refund, you’ll need to contact Apple Customer Support directly. Apple manages all billing for Marco Polo® Plus subscriptions and Plus Pass purchases made on iOS devices. If you purchased Plus on an iOS device, tap here to request a refund. 

Apple typically honors all refund requests within 30 days of the purchase date. Note, however, that refunds are given at their discretion. 

To cancel on an Android device👇

  1. Open the Google Play Store app.
  2. In the top-right corner, tap your avatar/profile icon. 
  3. Tap into Payments & subscriptions > Subscriptions.
  4. In your list of active subscriptions, select Marco Polo and then select Cancel.

👉 To request a refund, you’ll need to contact Google Play within 48 hours of the purchase. You can find more information about how to request a refund from Google here

Once your free trial has ended or you’ve canceled/received a refund, you’ll automatically revert to the free Marco Polo experience. 

Note: If you’re having trouble obtaining a refund from Google, let us know. The Marco Polo Support team will typically be able to accommodate refund requests for Marco Polo Plus Subscriptions purchased through Google Play, as long as they’re made within 60 days of the purchase.