Refund Plus Subscription

You can request a refund for your Marco Polo Plus subscription or Plus Pass purchases by going to Google Play or the App Store. The process varies depending on where you made the purchase. 

If you subscribed or purchased on Google Play:

You can request your refund from Google Play within 48 hours of the purchase. You’ll find more information about how to request a refund here.  

For Plus subscriptions purchased through Google Play, we are typically able to accommodate refund requests made within 30 days of your purchase. 

If you subscribed or purchased on the App Store: 

Apple manages all billing for Marco Polo Plus subscriptions and Plus Pass purchases made on iOS devices. To request a refund, contact Apple Customer Support directly by following the instructions here.

Apple typically honors all refund requests within 30 days of the purchase date (note, however, that refunds are given at their discretion). 

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